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Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - King Raising a Queen(Álbum)

Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Intro - Top do Game
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Trono (feat. Pérola & Gabriel Tchiema)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Mandem Mais Boca (feat. Wagner)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Tempero (feat. Puto Portugues)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Sansão (feat. Jordânia & VC)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Novela Das 9 (feat. Ary)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Deixa Ir (feat. Deezy, Eudreezy, Diboba)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Duro No Drill (feat. Johnny Berry, Ingomblock)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Tenta (feat. Gerilson Insrael)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Superei (feat. Landrick)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Correria (feat. Anderson Mário & Button Rose)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - SAF#DA
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Hamandjangue (feat. Rui Orlando)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Moras Em Mim (Gospel)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Underground - King Raising A Queen (feat. Preto Show)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - Outro Nível (feat. Anna Joyce)
Cage One & Elisabeth Ventura - No Low (feat. CEF Tanzy)

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